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Mr World Talent Finalists announced

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Mr World Talent Finalists announced Empty Mr World Talent Finalists announced

Bài gửi by shuu12 Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:31 pm

Mr World Talent Finalists announced Img_1779.jpg_resize (mải mê chụp mà hem bít rằng mình đã che đi mất mặt mình, anh Colombia Mr World Talent Finalists announced 46536 Mr World Talent Finalists announced 46536 Mr World Talent Finalists announced 46536 )
Sorry , do lười we' nên chưa dịch. mà nó cũng dễ hìu mà Mr World Talent Finalists announced 400903 Mr World Talent Finalists announced 400903
Auditions went late into the night last night and there were some
excellent performances. The cream of Mr World talent has made it through
to the final which will take place on Thursday 18th March at Gyeongju.
21 talent performers have made it through, they are:Singers
England – “Stand By Me”
2. Ireland – “If you could only see me”
Korea – “Just Once”
4. Czech Republic – Own composition/“Hotel
5. South Africa - "Words"
Spoken Word
6. Nigeria
Russia (Fitness)
8. Japan (Sword)
9. Kazakhstan (Warrior)
Honduras (Funky)
11. Bahamas (Traditional)
12. Kenya (Traditional)
Martinique (Modern)
14. India (Bollywood)
15. Hong Kong China
(AKA Michael Jackson)
16. United States (Guitar)
Belgium (Piano)
18. Thailand (Guitar)
19. Swaziland
20. Venezuela (Magic Tricks)
21. Cyprus
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