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2014 | Miss World Hungary | Final .../...

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2014 | Miss World Hungary | Final .../... Empty 2014 | Miss World Hungary | Final .../...

Bài gửi by giotuyet1991 Wed May 21, 2014 5:39 am

2014 | Miss World Hungary | Final .../... 10262267_879092005440398_7441865985392641524_n
2014 | Miss World Hungary | Final .../... 10325658_660585220661879_5762861109432887592_n
MAGYARORSZÁG SZÉPE - MISS WORLD HUNGARY 2014 has been launched by Beauty of Hungary Ltd whose winner will represent Hungary in Miss World 2014. The grand finale of this rebranded national pageant of Hungary will be held on 20th July and also will now be televised on Hungary's most watched TV channel Magyar 1 (M1).

A Szepsegkiralyno disbanded!
The contest A Szepsegkiralyno will no longer take place after Sarka Kata (100% exclusive ownership of Miss World & 50% in Miss Universe) and Timea Vajna (50% shareholder in Miss Universe) split up. Timea was not giving her time to the organisation of the contest after her marriage to a Hungarian American film producer and spent most of her time in USA. Hence, Sarka with her husband Hadju went along with Miss World franchise and launched their own new pageant. Therefore, Hungary may not be represented at Miss Universe this year. The winner of MAGYARORSZÁG SZÉPE, on the other hand, will go on to represent Hungary in Miss World 2014 this November.


Miss World is the most popular and most watched beauty contest, is present in more than 140 countries. The Beauty of Hungary Ltd. has the exclusive license to organize a competition in Hungary. Candidates were in the past number of years, also shows that we can talk about the biggest beauty competition in Hungary. We are proud of our past successes, very high standards, which guarantee this year.

Two rounds of casting will be held in Budapest from which 20 semi-finalists will be selected to enter the Magyarország Szépe boot camp. At the boot camp, the semifinalists will be trained and also compete for four preliminary titles: Miss Charity, Miss Face, Miss Bikini & Miss Talent. From the bootcamp, four girls will be eliminated by the jury and only the final 16 will compete for that national title.

The competition is not just about outer beauty, but also the natural and harmonious woman, motivation, internal finances, talent, dreams of achievement and opportunity. The rating jury shall take into account all the radiance of her, face shape, communication skills and aptitude.

The Beauty of Hungary - Hungary winning the title of Miss Word is not simply win a challenge. The winner receives her prize in addition to the exclusive right to start the international Miss World competition, in which appearance is also the obligation of the crown holder. The Miss World competition in Hungary provides everyone an equal chance to explain himself weighed in this noble battle. The pageant's motto, "Beaty with Purpose", that beauty is not just for its own sake, aim, aim must be, namely, to draw attention to those who need support, help those who are most vulnerable, they are disadvantaged children who are forced to grow up without a mother or family.

Anamaria Rakosi is the reigning A Szépségkirálynő 2013 
2014 | Miss World Hungary | Final .../... 10291109_319954394827260_7237534244844103042_n

Magdolna Gerloczy was Hungary's first representative to Miss World in 1989.
2014 | Miss World Hungary | Final .../... 10360463_319955981493768_908089726616678794_n

Hungary may not be represented at Miss Universe this year
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2014 | Miss World Hungary | Final .../... Empty Re: 2014 | Miss World Hungary | Final .../...

Bài gửi by giotuyet1991 Wed May 21, 2014 5:42 am

Hungary will not be represented at this year's Miss Universe 2014. Otherwise licensed organized Miss Universe Hungary will not have representatives attend Miss Universe. 
With the coronation of Miss Venezuela 2013 Gabriela Isler not get much national director and donor countries disagree. 2014, some countries have decided not to send representatives to participate in the contest again.
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